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A Link and a Problem

The Link
Steven Strogatz is back, with his second math article in the weekly NY Times series which will go for 15 weeks. This one is called Rock Groups. He mentioned a puzzle series by John Tierney, and the one posted today reminds me of a problem I've posed in my Math for Elementary Teachers course - but this one's got a better storyline.

The Problem
Sol, at Wild About Math, asked for help solving a problem his brother heard on the radio:

Bob and Alice are both millionaires. They�re both curious to know who is richer but they don�t want to tell the other one how much money they have. Without engaging a trusted third party, how can they both know who is richer?

I have played with a similar problem that I think goes like this:
10 mathematicians are out to dinner, and want to know their average salary. Without anyone finding out anyone else�s salary, how can they do this?

I remember that I saw the solution and liked it. (I may have solved it myself, even, but I'm stumped again now - the delights of a bad memory...)

Sol wants the answer. I'd prefer hints, myself.

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