I've been neglecting this blog because I've been working hard on my real job for this year - a book, Playing With Math: Stories from Math Circles, Homeschoolers, and the Internet. We don't have a publisher yet, but I'm still hopeful. I'm pulling together material from about 20 different people who help students learn math in innovative ways. I think it's pretty exciting.
I thought I'd mention the book just so you all know I haven't gone away. (I'm also working on a book review to post here. I hope to get that out soon.)
Here's a current draft of the table of contents. If I've asked you if I can use your blog post in the book, and you don't see it, don't worry, I still have to get that part organized. After the table of contents are some questions I have for my readers.
Preface 4
Introduction 6
Section 1. Math Circles, Clubs, Centers, Salons, and Festivals
Section Introduction 13
Sue VanHattum, Richmond Math Salon
Julia Brodsky, The Art of Inquiry: A Math Circle for Young Children Jamylle Carter, The Oakland Math Circle: A First Iteration
Maria Droujkova, One Day At the Math Club
Amanda Serenevy, Riverbend Community Math Center
Mary O�Keeffe, Creation of the Albany Area Math Circle: Great Circles Conference 2009
Colleen King, The Game of Math
Nancy Blachman, Inspiring Mathematical Interest: The Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival
Bob and Ellen Kaplan, Letters to a Young Student
A Young Voice:
Section 2. Homeschoolers
Section Introduction 35
Julie Brennan, Learning As We Go 36
Holly Graff, One and a Quarter Pizzas: An Unschooling Adventure 46
Pam Sorooshian, Radically Sensible Ideas 50
Sue VanHattum, Recommendations (needs a title)
A Young Voice: Lavinia Karl, An Unschooler Goes to College
Section 3. The World Online
Section Introduction 58
Maria Droujkova, Making a Math-friendly Internet [not yet written]
Denise Gaskins, Let�s Play Math [hoping to interview]
Colleen King, The Game of Math Goes Online 59
Rebecca Zook, Zook Tutoring blog [post yet to be selected]
Kate Nowak, Blogging towards better teaching 63
A young voice:
Section 4. Classrooms
Section Introduction 67
Alison Blank, Math Is Not Linear
Chris Shore, Textbook Free: Kicking the Habit 68
Dan Meyer, Be Less Helpful
Ed Cruz [not yet written]A young voice? [Algebra Project students?]
Section 5. Diversity and other Public Policy Issues
Section Introduction 77
Patricia Kenschaft, Racial Equity Requires Teaching Elementary School Teachers More Mathematics
Danny Martin, Students� Mathematical Identities [not completed] 84
Sue VanHattum, Girls and Women, Doing Math [not completed]
Melanie Hayes, Learning From My Kids: Letting Gifted Children Bloom 87
Recommendations: Bringing Passion into the Classroom [not completed]
A Collection of Puzzles & Problems 97
Jonathan, jd2718 blog, A Little Math Magic 98
Bibliography 99
Part 1. Fun Math Books For All Ages
Part 2. Recommended Books About the Teaching and Learning of Math
Part 3. References
Finding or creating local math alternatives
A note on online sites
Author Biographies 103
I thought I'd mention the book just so you all know I haven't gone away. (I'm also working on a book review to post here. I hope to get that out soon.)
Here's a current draft of the table of contents. If I've asked you if I can use your blog post in the book, and you don't see it, don't worry, I still have to get that part organized. After the table of contents are some questions I have for my readers.
[draft] Contents
Preface 4
Introduction 6
Section 1. Math Circles, Clubs, Centers, Salons, and Festivals
Section Introduction 13
Sue VanHattum, Richmond Math Salon
Julia Brodsky, The Art of Inquiry: A Math Circle for Young Children Jamylle Carter, The Oakland Math Circle: A First Iteration
Maria Droujkova, One Day At the Math Club
Amanda Serenevy, Riverbend Community Math Center
Mary O�Keeffe, Creation of the Albany Area Math Circle: Great Circles Conference 2009
Colleen King, The Game of Math
Nancy Blachman, Inspiring Mathematical Interest: The Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival
Bob and Ellen Kaplan, Letters to a Young Student
A Young Voice:
Section 2. Homeschoolers
Section Introduction 35
Julie Brennan, Learning As We Go 36
Holly Graff, One and a Quarter Pizzas: An Unschooling Adventure 46
Pam Sorooshian, Radically Sensible Ideas 50
Sue VanHattum, Recommendations (needs a title)
A Young Voice: Lavinia Karl, An Unschooler Goes to College
Section 3. The World Online
Section Introduction 58
Maria Droujkova, Making a Math-friendly Internet [not yet written]
Denise Gaskins, Let�s Play Math [hoping to interview]
Colleen King, The Game of Math Goes Online 59
Rebecca Zook, Zook Tutoring blog [post yet to be selected]
Kate Nowak, Blogging towards better teaching 63
A young voice:
Section 4. Classrooms
Section Introduction 67
Alison Blank, Math Is Not Linear
Chris Shore, Textbook Free: Kicking the Habit 68
Dan Meyer, Be Less Helpful
Ed Cruz [not yet written]A young voice? [Algebra Project students?]
Section 5. Diversity and other Public Policy Issues
Section Introduction 77
Patricia Kenschaft, Racial Equity Requires Teaching Elementary School Teachers More Mathematics
Danny Martin, Students� Mathematical Identities [not completed] 84
Sue VanHattum, Girls and Women, Doing Math [not completed]
Melanie Hayes, Learning From My Kids: Letting Gifted Children Bloom 87
Recommendations: Bringing Passion into the Classroom [not completed]
A Collection of Puzzles & Problems 97
Jonathan, jd2718 blog, A Little Math Magic 98
Bibliography 99
Part 1. Fun Math Books For All Ages
Part 2. Recommended Books About the Teaching and Learning of Math
Part 3. References
Finding or creating local math alternatives
A note on online sites
Author Biographies 103
- How's it looking?
- What's missing?
- Do you know a young person who might be interested in writing a short piece for the end of the classrooms section? (I may need someone for the Internet and Math Circle sections too.)
- Anything else you want to tell me?
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