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More from James Tanton, on Twitter

Yeah, I have a Twitter account, but I seldom check it out. I don't see the point, usually. But I just discovered that James Tanton (jamestanton) is tweeting interesting problems. Hmm, can I get those delivered to my Google Reader, or something?

Republic of Math blogged about James' question regarding n plus square root of n: Can it ever round to a perfect square? (It's answered at the blog post, so you might want to play with it before clicking through.)

When I went to Twitter this morning, James' latest question was:
60houses in a row. 3 roof colors cycle in 3. 4 door colors cycle in 4. 5trim colors cycle in 5. Every house unique roof,door,trim color set?

He had to really squeeze to get that one in the 140 characters, didn't he? 

Thanks for feeding us some good math, James!

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