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Happy New Year

My celebration of the new year has often involved writing a list of the things I'm grateful for. (I've slacked off a bit in recent years, partly due to single parenting, partly due to the fact that I shifted from paper journals to writing on the computer.) Here are some of my gratefuls for this past year. I'm grateful..
  1. ... to Jeremy Stuart and Roy Robles for the lovely video they made of my math salon.
  2. ... to everyone who commented here, and to the 39,350 readers of this blog.
  3. ... to everyone who submitted a chapter for the book Playing With Math: Stories from Math Circles, Homeschoolers, and the Internet, and to Maria Droujkova and others who have helped with the book.
  4. ... to everyone who attends my math salons.
  5. ... to my morning class in the fall, for their determination and good spirit.
  6. ... to my college district (and union!) for the chance to have a year sabbatical - it was marvelous!
  7. ... to James Tanton for his book, Math Without Words.
  8. ... to and, for making my book-buying habit more sustainable.
  9. ... to Julie Brennan, for the wealth of sharing that happens on Living Math Forum, the community she created, and to Maria Droujkova for the same at Natural Math.
  10.  ... to Chris Evans for reading and commenting on ever chapter in the book.
  11. ... to Linda Palter for drawing marvelous pictures for the book.
  12. ... to DawnMarie, who watches my son when I go off to do my math projects.
  13. ... for the internet.
I'll leave it there for now. My personal gratefuls list often went over a hundred items. I'll come back later and add some links. (I'm on vacation at my parents' house - no wireless and a very uncomfortable keyboard have made blogging difficult. I'll be home on January 5.)

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