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The Book: Playing With Math is Ready for the Reader Response Team

Artwork by Linda Palter.
Playing With Math: Stories from Math Circles, Homeschoolers, and the Internet - a book by 35 authors - is almost ready. I've collected some great blog posts and posts from email groups; I've transcribed speeches and talks, and solicited chapters written especially for the book. All of these authors have collaborated with me to put together a book full of the vibrancy and joy of people who love math (and a few who don't). After every chapter is a puzzle or game, designed to pull the reader into our world. It's pretty exciting.

The manuscript is getting tighter every day. At this point, it really needs more eyes. So here's the idea Maria Droujkova, founder of Natural Math (my publisher), came up with:
If you'd like an early peek at the book and the glory of being in the acknowledgements, you can sign up to be a part of the Reader Response Team. You'll get 3 to 5 chapters a week to read (starting this Wednesday). We don't need close editing for grammar and spelling at this point. What we need is your opinions as reviewers: What works? What doesn't? What's missing? And a rating for each chapter (Keep, Toss, or Wow!).

You'll make a commitment to review the chapters within the week; it will take 11 weeks to read through the whole book. (Or you can pick the Summer Speed Reading option, and get the whole manuscript all at once.) Each week, discussions among the Reader Response Team will bring new depth to the already wonderful writing.

We are especially looking for people who love to read and do not like math. You are our acid test of the book!

To join the Reader Response Team, comment here with your email address or email me at mathanthologyeditor at gmail. The first 30 volunteers are in. Those of you who have a chapter in the book are welcome to get a manuscript from me, but we'll let other folks be on the Reader Response Team.

If you'd like to contribute in any other way, let me know. Any questions?

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