The touch screen interface and intuitive nature of the iPad has been a productive and inclusive way to provide educational experiences for people with Autism. Many schools and organisations use specific iPad apps as effective tools in the educational process but what if you had access to a whole suite of tools. This is exactly what these guys have done at iPad Apps & Resources for Autism. Compiled by a parent, an adult with Autism and an SLP; Shannon Des Roches Rosa, Corina Becker and SLP Jordan Sadler, have collated a monster list of great apps for teaching people with Autism in the following catergories;
Advocacy Art Books Communication Earliest Learning File Sharing Games General Development Geography History | Label and Identifying Language Maths and Pre-Maths Multiple Activities and Suites Music Navigation Productivity Puzzles Reading and Spelling | Science Self Care Social Skills Social Media Social Stories Speech Visual Schedules Writing and Fine Motor |
This is a wonderful resource for parents and schools alike. Take the time to check out the list and identify some of the apps you might already have on your iPads that might benefit some of your students.
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