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Math Student's Bill of Rights, by Sandra L. Davis

I have the right to:

Learn at my own pace and not feel stupid if I'm slower than others,

Ask whatever questions I have,

Need extra help,

Ask my teacher for help,

Say I don't understand,

Not understand,

Feel good about myself regardless of my math abilities,

Not base my self-worth on my math skills,

View myself as capable of learning math,

Evaluate my math teachers and how they teach,


Be treated as a competent adult,

Dislike math,

Define success in my own terms.

Adapted from the Math Anxiety Bill of Rights by Sandra Davis, in Resource Manual for Counselors/Math Instructors: Math Anxiety, Math Avoidance, Reentry Mathematics, ed. by Donaday & Auslander (1980).

I put this into my syllabus for all my lower level classes. I also have it on my office wall.

I tell students that schools aren't always the best way to learn math, because they can make it pretty hard to learn at your own pace, if the course is paced faster than you need to learn it.

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