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5 Finds

1. Mega-math. The site is way old (and clearly states it's not maintained), but I like it... Yesterday at WIldcat I tried out the story-game of The Land of Many Ponds (playing with a graph theory sort of graph), where each of the 3 players goes different distances, and one is trying to escape while the other two are trying to meet up with it (all with good intentions). Some of them wanted to play a few more times. But we didn't get into much analysis... Today I'm going to try out the Usual Day at Unusual School, a play where some characters always tell the truth and some always lie.

2. Why Is Her Paycheck Smaller? Here's a great graph from an article in the NY Times. I'm wondering how to put together a good social justice math lesson from it.

3. Here are some gorgeous sculptures. A lot of the kids at Wildcat like art lots more than they like math. I'm going to collect all the mathy art sites (and artsy math sites) I find, and see what I can do with them next fall.

4. I thought about my much-loved game of Nim while reading back posts on Denise's Let's Play Math blog.

5. A comment on dy/dan's blog led me to this article on Habits of Mind.

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