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Richmond (CA) Math Salon - Saturday, June 13, 2 to 5pm

Anyone local reading this, and want to join us?

Richmond Math Salon
Saturday, June 13
2 to 5pm

� All ages welcome. (Fun for kids 5 to 90.)

� Explore math in a fun, safe environment,
where no one will judge or grade you.

� A family math event:
You and your kids can explore math
in a way that works for each of you.

This is the 8th meeting of the Richmond Math Salon. We�ve circled around one full year, so our topic this month will be circles. As always, we�ll start with math-oriented puzzles and games, and then do a variety of activities, accessible to all ages, related to circles.

This monthly event is currently held in a small home, so please RSVP if you plan to come. The Richmond Math Salon is hosted by Sue VanHattum, a math professor at Contra Costa College.

Interested? Email me at, or call me at 236-8044 (before 8pm).

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