Although these books are long out of print, there are inexpensive copies available online of most of them. (They were published in 1992 and 1993.) This list gave me the twelve titles below. (If anyone here knows of more, please let us all know.) I recently picked up a bunch of them, because my son really liked the two we already had.
The books are full of stories, games, mazes, riddles, and lots of math.
- Alice in Numberland: Fantasy Math
- From Head to Toe: Body Math
- How Do Octopi Eat Pizza Pie? Pizza Math
- Look Both Ways: City Math
- Play Ball: Sports Math
- Pterodactyl Tunnel: Amusement Park Math
- Right in Your Own Backyard: Nature Math
- See You Later, Escalator!: Mall Math
- The Case of the Missing Zebra Stripes: Zoo Math
- The House that Math Built: House Math
- The Mystery of the Sunken Treasure: Sea Math
- The Search for the Mystery Planet: Space Math
The books are full of stories, games, mazes, riddles, and lots of math.
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